Program Director: IITB-Eruditas Industry-Oriented Certification Program on AI-ML using Python (Jan-May 2021, and Jan-May 2022).
Steering Committee Member: Contributed to the establishment of the MInDS Center at IIT Bombay.
Coordinator: TechConnect 2019.
Faculty-in-Charge: M-Tech (2019–2021) at CSRE, IIT Bombay.
PG Academic Committee Member (PGPC): Represented CSRE, IIT Bombay for the academic year 2018–present.
PG Academic Committee Member (PGPC): Represented C-MInDS, IIT Bombay for the academic year 2020–present.
Institute Internship Coordinator: CSRE, IIT Bombay for the academic year 2018–2019.
Departmental Academic Programme Committee (DAPC) Member: IIT Roorkee for the academic year 2017–2018.
Institute-Level Research Scholar Academic Council Member: IIT Bombay for the academic year 2013–2014.
Departmental PhD Representative: Centre for Studies in Resources Engineering (CSRE), IIT Bombay for the academic year 2011–2012.
Academic recognition
Guest Editor: Special issue on "Domain Generalization" in the International Journal on Computer Vision (IJCV) (I.F 11.6).
Guest Editor: Special issue on "Foundation and Large Vision Models for Remote Sensing" in IEEE JSTARS (I.F 5.5).
Award: C1973 Young Faculty Award from IIT Bombay, 2023.
Prize Paper Award: IEEE GRSS Symposium Interactive Session at IGARSS 2023 for the paper "Semi-Supervised Learning for Hyperspectral Images by Non-Parametrically Predicting View Assignments".
Best Paper Award: ACM ICVGIP 2023 for the paper "C-SAW: Self-Supervised Prompt Learning for Image Generalization in Remote Sensing" (Bhattacharya, Avigyan, et al.).
Best Paper Award: 1st Workshop on "Adapting to Change: Reliable Learning Across Domains", ECML-PKDD 2023, for the paper "HAVE-Net: Hallucinated Audio-Visual Embeddings for Few-Shot Classification with Unimodal Cues".
Award: Early Research Achiever Award from IIT Bombay, 2021.
Outstanding Reviewer Award: British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), 2020.
Guest Editor: Special issue "Deep Learning in Remote Sensing Data Analysis" by MDPI Remote Sensing (2019 I.F 4.2).
Best Reviewer: Selected as the Best Reviewer for 2018 and 2020 by IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (IEEE JSTARS, 2019 I.F 3.4).
Poster Award: INRIA Best Poster Award at Geomatrix 2012, an international conference organized by CSRE, IIT Bombay.
Scholarships: Received several scholarships at the national and international levels.
Selected talks / presentations
Biplab Banerjee:Vision-language foundation models at West Bengal University of Technology, Kolkata, 2024.
Biplab Banerjee:Full tutorial on Deep Learning in Remote Sensing - Recent Breakthroughs at ACM ICVGIP 2024, Bengaluru, 2024.
Biplab Banerjee:Foundation models in remote sensing at Faculty development programme in SPIT Mumbai, 2024.
Biplab Banerjee:Few-shot open-set learning for hyper-spectral image classification at Pattern Recognition for Remote Sensing Workshop, IEEE ICPR 2024, Kolkata.
Biplab Banerjee:Computer vision in the era of foundation models at NASSCOM Smart Manufacturing Research Conclave, 2024, Mumbai.
Biplab Banerjee:Prompt learning in vision: from generalization to continual adaptation at Samsung Research Institute, Bengaluru, 2024.
Biplab Banerjee:Tutorial on deep learning at L&T Infotech, Mumbai, 2023.
Biplab Banerjee:Generative models at SPIT Mumbai, 2023.
Biplab Banerjee:Advanced deep learning at Symbiosis Pune, 2023.
Biplab Banerjee:Advanced deep learning in remote sensing at IEEE GRSS Mumbai (Tutorial), 2023.
Biplab Banerjee:Continual Learning at CoEP Pune (Tutorial), IConSIP, 2022.
Biplab Banerjee:Deep learning for remote sensing image analysis at CropIN Technology, 2022.
Biplab Banerjee:Deep learning for remote sensing image analysis at Rakuten Institute of Technology, 2022.
Biplab Banerjee:Hyper-spectral image analysis at IIT Indore, 2022.
Biplab Banerjee:Hyper-spectral image analysis at NIT Karnataka, 2022.
Biplab Banerjee:Research on Computer Vision at IIT Bombay at AI-Impact Workshop, 2022.
Biplab Banerjee:Writing high-quality deep learning papers in remote sensing at IEEE GRSS Bangalore Section, India, 2021.
Biplab Banerjee:Multi-modal fusion for remote sensing images at ADRIN, ISRO, India, 2021.
Biplab Banerjee:Deep learning and visual computing research at IITB at AstraZeneca UK, 2021.
Biplab Banerjee:Survey of deep learning in remote sensing at NCVPRIPG 2019, Hubli, India.
Biplab Banerjee:Visual Recognition – a survey at FDP course on Deep Learning & Optimization, Techno India Institute of Technology, Kolkata, India, 2021.
Biplab Banerjee:Presentation of work at IIT Bombay in remote sensing image analysis using ML at IITB-Adobe Research Workshop on ML/AI (Virtual), 2020.
Biplab Banerjee:Deep learning at Workshop on Geospatial Intelligence, VJTI Mumbai, India, 2020.
Biplab Banerjee:Deep learning applications in low-level structure prediction tasks at FDP on Machine Learning, SDM College of Engineering, Dharwar, India, 2020.
Biplab Banerjee:Deep learning for computer vision at FDP in AI, KIIT, Bhubaneswar, India, 2020.
Biplab Banerjee:Introduction to Machine Learning at FDP in AI, CV Raman University, Bhubaneswar, India, 2020.
Biplab Banerjee:Domain adaptation for computer vision at Department of Geodesy, TU Munich, Germany, 2019.
Biplab Banerjee:Image segmentation and object detection using deep CNN at FDP in AI, NIT Patna, India, 2019.
Biplab Banerjee:Zero-shot learning at University of Applied Science, Munich, Germany, 2019.
Biplab Banerjee:Deep generative models at AI summer school, IIT Roorkee, India, 2019.
Biplab Banerjee:CEP course on deep learning at CEP at IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India, 2019.
Biplab Banerjee:Advancements in facial recognition, Workshop in AI at CAIR, DRDO , Bengaluru, India, 2018.
Biplab Banerjee:Neural Networks & Deep Learning, School of Management, IIT Bombay, India, 2018.
Biplab Banerjee:Weakly supervised visual recognition, FDP in AI at NIT Silchar, India, 2018.
Biplab Banerjee:Introduction to Machine Learning for Geospatial Applications, Workshop at VJTI, Mumbai, India, 2018.
Biplab Banerjee:Visual recognition using deep learning, Invited Talk at GL Bajaj College of Engineering, Noida, India, 2018.
Biplab Banerjee:Advancement of machine learning techniques in remote sensing, IBM Research, New Delhi, India, 2018.